What about the Ninth Amendment?

What about the Ninth Amendment?

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Of my screed from earlier today, many may say that surely the 9th Amendment (in theory, at least) protects unenumerated rights and freedoms of individuals.

We have already seen that this is, in practice, untrue. Refer again to the offhand and incomplete list of government intrusions from the past two years, and it's easy to see that government has zero respect for the restraining hands of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

But for those needing a reminder, let me add to that list no-knock warrants, the TSA, Homeland Security, facial recognition technology, police cameras at every corner, the requirement by the IRS for banks to disclose financial records of private citizens (without a warrant)...

Again, just off the top of my head.

The Bill of Rights at this point is little more than a fancy historic document; the words aren't worth the paper they're written on, and won't be again until private citizens say "Enough!" and force government back into its constitutionally proscribed limits.

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